Engagement Rising: A Decade of CCSSE Data Shows Improvements Across the Board (spring 2015)
A Matter of Degrees: Practices to Pathways (fall 2014)
Contingent Commitments: Bringing Part-Time Faculty Into Focus (spring 2014)
Aspirations to Achievement: Men of Color and Community Colleges (spring 2014)
A Matter of Degrees: Engaging Practices, Engaging Students (fall 2013)
A Matter of Degrees: Promising Practices for Community College Student Success (A First Look) (spring 2012)
The Heart of Student Success: Teaching, Learning, and College Completion (2010 CCCSE Findings) (fall 2010)
Benchmarking & Benchmarks: Effective Practice with Entering Students (spring 2010)
Making Connections: Dimensions of Student Engagement (CCSSE 2009 Findings) (fall 2009)
Imagine Success: Engaging Entering Students (2008 SENSE Field Test Findings) (spring 2009)
High Expectations and High Support (fall 2008)
Starting Right: A First Look at Engaging Students (2007 Preliminary Findings) (spring 2008)
Committing to Student Engagement: Reflections on CCSSE's First Five Years (2007 Findings) (fall 2007)
Student Engagement and Student Outcomes: Key Findings from CCSSE Validation Research (spring 2007)
Act On Fact: Using Data to Improve Student Success (2006 CCSSE Findings) (fall 2006)
Engaging Students, Challenging the Odds (2005 CCSSE Findings) (fall 2005)
Engagement by Design (2004 CCSSE Findings) (fall 2004)
Engaging Community Colleges: National Benchmarks of Quality (2003 CCSSE Findings) (fall 2003)
Engaging Community Colleges: A First Look (2002 CCSSE Findings) (fall 2002)