The Culture of Caring Project

Project Description 

CCCSE proudly announces the Culture of Caring project. The project, funded by ECMC Foundation, will allow CCCSE to deepen understanding within the community college field of the existing equity gaps for many male students of color; to identify the myriad factors that inhibit and enhance college progress and success for men of color; and to assist community colleges in serving these students effectively. 

The Culture of Caring project will feature the administration of a 15-item question set with the 2024 Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) and a 12-item special focus module with the 2024 Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE). These item sets will investigate the factors that shape all students’ experiences around the topics of self-efficacy, stigma, sense of belonging, basic needs, and mental health and well-being. 

CCCSE will conduct focus groups in fall 2024 with students and men of color program leaders at three community colleges. 

After the data collection and focus groups are completed, CCCSE will release a national publication that illuminates the survey findings and shares stories of how colleges across the country are working with men of color on their campuses, focus groups video clips from male students of color and men of color program leaders, and several tools to help college stakeholders learn more about their male students of color through conducting their own focus groups and investigating their own data.