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CCSSE 2025 Free Item Set: Campus Accessibility
CCSSE 2025 will include a free special item set focused on Campus Accessibility. The 15-item set explores issues of accessibility, student supports, and institutional culture around disabilities.

CCCSE’s Mission

By delivering “aha” moments about the student experience based on insights that matter, CCCSE assists institutions and policymakers in using information to promote improvements in student learning, persistence, and attainment.

Call for Proposals

Three leaders at CCCSE—Dr. Courtney Adkins, Dr. Linda García, and Dr. Mike Bohlig—are serving as guest editors of a special issue of New Directions for Community Colleges (NDCC). We invite articles that examine the student experience through the lens of data captured by CCCSE survey instruments. Submissions are welcome from researchers, faculty, and graduate students from across the two- and four-year sectors. Abstracts are due by August 15, 2024, with full manuscripts due by February 1, 2025.

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Research Leadership Transition

Headshots of Mike Bohlig and Alicia Betsinger

After 15 years of committed and impactful service to CCCSE, Dr. Mike Bohlig is retiring. Replacing him as CCCSE’s associate director for research is Dr. Alicia Betsinger. Please take a moment to read the official announcement. It includes some words from Dr. Bohlig and Dr. Betsinger as well as more comprehensive acknowledgements of Dr. Bohlig's accomplishments while at CCCSE and the skills and expertise Dr. Betsinger will bring to the organization and to the field at large.

How Clear Is Their Path? Guided Career Pathways and Community College Students

Report on Guided Career Pathways

How Clear Is Their Path? Guided Career Pathways and Community College Students explores how prepared community college students are to meet their career goals. Over 90 percent of students responding to the 2023 Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) indicated they had chosen a career path. But many of those respondents were missing vital information about what that path would entail. This report contains data from 83,189 students across 199 community colleges who responded to CCSSE in spring 2023.

Focus Group Videos: Guided Career Pathways

Helping Community College Students Climb the Transfer Ladder

Report on Transfer Supports

Helping Community College Students Climb the Transfer Ladder highlights factors that help students have clearer plans regarding transfer, as well as areas in which they may need more guidance. This report contains data from 8,836 entering students across 40 community colleges who responded to a SENSE 2022 special-focus module on transfer supports.

The Online Student: Impact of Course Modality on Engagement

Report on the Online Learner

The Online Student: Impact of Course Modality on Engagement highlights the differences in engagement between students who take all their classes online and those who take classes in person. The data in the report are based on a survey administered in spring 2022 to 82,824 students from 181 colleges across 41 states. One in five of the survey respondents reported taking all their classes online.

Mission Critical - The Role of Community Colleges in Meeting Students Basic Needs

Report on Community College Basic Needs

Mission Critical: The Role of Community Colleges in Meeting Students’ Basic Needs explores housing and food insecurity among community college students and highlights the struggle many students experience. The data presented in this report are based on a survey administered in spring 2021 to over 80,000 community college students from 194 institutions across the United States.
