Cohort Data Overview

CCSSE utilizes a three-year cohort (2021-2023) of participating colleges in all of its data analyses, including the computation of benchmark scores. This cohort is referred to as the 2023 CCSSE Cohort. The 2023 CCSSE Cohort includes 501 institutions from 47 states, the District of Columbia, Bermuda, Marshall Islands, and Micronesia. Two-hundred sixty-six are classified as small (<4,500 credit students), 120 as medium (4,500-7,999), 77 as large (8,000-14,999), and 38 as extra-large institutions (15,000+).

Brief descriptions of information contained within the options in the vertical navigation bar are outlined below:

Understanding Survey Results: This page provides basic information about excluded respondents, types of available reports, sampling, weighting, and student-level breakout definitions.

Standard Reports: This page contains standard 2023 cohort reports.

Faculty Survey (CCFSSE) Reports: This page contains aggregate frequency reports for CCFSSE and example reports for those that did not.

Communication Tools

CCCSE has created a variety of tools for colleges to utilize in working with their data and sharing their institutional results. These resources are available in the Tools section of the CCSSE website, including two key communication templates, the CCSSE Drop-In Overview Report Template and the CCSSE Drop-In Overview Presentation Template. Both templates include information applicable to the online and paper-and-pencil administrations. The Drop-In Overview Presentation Template includes a section on sharing results related to Guided Pathways.