How To Administer CCFSSE

Colleges can elect to administer CCFSSE while registering for CCSSE, or can add CCFSSE after submitting CCSSE registration by contacting their CCSSE liaison.

CCFSSE registration open until participating college submits Course Master Data File.

Fee: Details on CCFSSE pricing are available on the CCSSE website under Options and Rates.

Note: Participation in the faculty survey is limited to colleges that participate in the student survey as well, and the fees listed are in addition to the fees for administration of the student survey.

Requirements: Faculty members will be invited to participate in the online survey via an e-mail invitation sent by CCCSE staff; therefore, participating colleges must be able to provide accurate e-mail addresses for all faculty (both part- and full-time) who are teaching in the spring semester.

Faculty e-mail addresses should be provided to CCCSE as part of the college's course master data file. All faculty teaching credit courses that don't fall under the CCSSE exclusionary guidelines will be invited to participate in the CCFSSE. If faculty members teach more than one course, CCSSE's sampling process randomly selects one course for them to base CCFSSE responses upon. This course could be one selected for the CCSSE administration, or it could be a course that is not part of the CCSSE sample.

Each college will designate a Campus Coordinator (usually the institutional research officer) to provide on-site assistance. This individual will be responsible for providing CCCSE with valid faculty e-mail addresses in the college’s course master data file. This individual is also responsible for ensuring that the college’s e-mail system will not reject the electronic invitations sent from CCCSE.