Tools and Resources

Past project — Conducted May 1, 2017 - November 19, 2019

Tribal College Modules

The Tribal Student Success and Completion (TSSC) Project will feature the administration of the 2017 Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE), as well as a 12-item special-focus module and the administration of the 2018 Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE), as well as a 15-item additional item set. Both the SENSE special-focus module and the CCSSE additional item set focus on issues of pertinence to tribal colleges and were developed in conjunction with Achieving the Dream’s Director of Tribal College and University Programs, Cindy Lopez.


Tribal College Focus Group Guides

CCSSE and SENSE data provide colleges a great deal of information to help identify strengths and areas in need of improvement in the work of increasing student success. These data deliver the “what” about the student experience, but through focus groups, colleges can also learn the “why.” In addition to gathering specific detail about the experiences students and others are having, these structured discussions will also help uncover possible strategies to consider for improvement. These two focus group discussion guides were designed to be used with students, faculty, and staff from tribal colleges.

Tribal Colleges Students Focus Group Discussion Guide
Tribal Colleges Faculty and Staff Focus Group Discussion Guide


SENSE 2017 Reporting Webinar for Tribal Colleges

Center staff facilitated a webinar on SENSE 2017 reporting features on Tuesday, March 27, 2018. You can view a recording of the webinar here.