California Guided Pathways Project

Past project — Conducted January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2019

Tools and Resources

Pathways Toolkit
Pathways Modules
Guided Pathways Resource Center

Pathways Toolkit

The Pathways Model is composed of essential institutional practices that help students along their journey to success. The following tools include items from Center surveys that are aligned with important dimensions of the Pathways Model. As colleges begin to undertake serious work on the various necessary aspects of the design and implementation of structured student pathways, this tool can be used to facilitate important conversations about gaps and areas of alignment in three key areas: helping students get on a path, helping students stay on their path, and ensuring that students are learning.


CCSSE 2017-Present


Pathways Toolkit Cover Sense



Pathways Modules

Through the Pathways Project led by AACC and funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Center has developed two survey item modules on guided pathways, which will be included in the SENSE 2018 and CCSSE 2019 administrations. The SENSE 2018 module is composed of 12 items, and the CCSSE 2019 module is composed of 20 items—both focus specifically on students’ pathways-related experiences.

SENSE 2018 Guided Pathways Special-Focus Module

CCSSE 2019 Guided Pathways Additional Item Set


Guided Pathways Resource Center

AACC has launched the Guided Pathways Resource Center, a website that offers more than 300 tools and resources for colleges undertaking the challenging work of designing and implementing guided pathways.