Student Discussion Guides

The Listen to Me Student Discussion Guides can be used to conduct longitudinal focus groups with students at your college. The questions in these discussion guides ask students about what is and isn’t working in their early community college experiences and they focus on the triggers that lead to attrition and the leverage points for changing those outcomes.
For supporting focus group materials such as recruitment tips, invitation e-mail templates, consent forms, profile sheets, and a comprehensive planning guide that outlines focus group staff roles and order of operations, visit the Focus Group Toolkit.
A Tool for Intersecting Data and Student Voices

As national thought leaders and colleges continue to refine the implementation of guided pathways, it’s essential to understand the early student experience more fully. One of the ways that we can do this is through reviewing CCSSE and SENSE data related to the pathways pillars while also listening to what students have to say about their experiences in these areas.