Tools and Resources

Focus Group Discussion Guides

Below are two sample focus group discussion guides that can be used to help colleges dive into guided pathways, both from the student perspective and the faculty and staff perspective.

Student Discussion Guide

Faculty Discussion Guide

For supporting focus group materials such as recruitment tips, invitation e-mail templates, consent forms, profile sheets, and a comprehensive planning guide that outlines focus group staff roles and order of operations, visit the Focus Group Toolkit.


Pathways Toolkits

The SENSE, CCSSE, and CCFSSE Pathways Toolkits include items from Center surveys that are aligned with important dimensions of the Pathways Model. As colleges begin to undertake serious work on the various necessary aspects of the design and implementation of structured student pathways, this tool can be used to facilitate important conversations about gaps and areas of alignment in three key areas: helping students get on a path, helping students stay on their path, and ensuring that students are learning.

Visit the Center’s Pathways Tools page to access these toolkits and other pathways-related resources.