Research Affiliate Program

The Center for Community College Student Engagement invites emerging and established researchers to become members of our Research Affiliate program. 

The two primary goals of this program are to advance research on community college student experiences by increasing access to the largest data set of its kind and to enhance the visibility of affiliates’ research on community colleges and community college students.

Download the full program details.

Sample copies of the CCSSE survey and the standard additional item sets can be found on the CCSSE website.

For further information, please contact Dr. Alicia Betsinger (


CCCSE Research Affiliates

Adam Atwell

Adam Atwell, Ed.D. | Jobs for the Future (JFF)
Senior Research Analyst

Email | Bio

James E. Bartlett

James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D. | Old Dominion University
Associate Professor of Postsecondary Education and Workforce Development

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Michelle E. Bartlett

Michelle E. Bartlett, Ph.D. | Old Dominion University
Assistant Professor

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George Bizer

George Bizer, Ph.D. | Union College

Email | Webpage | Bio

Jennifer Blaney

Jennifer M. Blaney, Ph.D. | Louise McBee Institute of Higher Education, University of Georgia
Assistant Professor

Email | Webpage | Bio

Blaney, J. M., Rodriguez, S. L., & Stevens, A. R. (2023). Transfer-intending women in computing: An exploratory analysis of trends, characteristics, and experiences shaping women’s computing participation. Community College Review. Advance online publication.

Mike Bohlig

Mike Bohlig, Ph.D.


For further information, please contact Dr. Alicia Betsinger (

Stephanie Cawthon

Stephanie Cawthon, Ph.D. | The University of Texas at Austin
Professor, Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long Endowed Faculty Fellow, Department of Educational Psychology, Director and Principal Investigator of the National Disability Center for Student Success.

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Diana Cervantes

Diana Cervantes, Ph.D.

Email | Bio

Mark D'Amico

Mark D’Amico, Ph.D. | The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Professor and Department Chair, Department of Educational Leadership

Email | Webpage | Bio

Dika, S. L., Wang, Y., D’Amico, M. M., and Bohlig, E. M. (2023). The role of identities and engagement in the intent to transfer among North Carolina community college students. North Carolina Community College Journal of Teaching Innovation, 2(1), 37–49.

Dika, S. L., Wang, Y., D’Amico, M. M., Serrata, C., & Bohlig, E. M. (2023). A critical examination of perceptions of supportive institutional environment among transfer-seeking community college students. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 10.1080/10668926.2023.2215202

Chelsea Durbin

Chelsea Durbin | Morgan State University
Doctoral Student

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Mark Fincher

Mark Fincher, Ph.D. | Mississippi State University
Associate Professor of Community College Education

Email | Bio

John Fink

John Fink | Community College Research Center (CCRC)
Senior Research Associate and Program Lead

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Carlton Fong

Carlton Fong, Ph.D. | Texas State University
Assistant Professor

Email | Webpage | Bio

Fong, C. J., García, A. J., & Kundu, D. (2022) A socio-ecological outcome investigation of the student engagement, achievement, and satisfaction of Latino men in community college developmental mathematics. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 10.1080/10668926.2022.2132433

Fong, C. J., Owens, S. L., Segovia, J., Hoff, M. A., & Alejandro, A. J. (2021, November 29). Indigenous Cultural Development and Academic Achievement of Tribal Community College Students: Mediating Roles of Sense of Belonging and Support for Student Success. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance online publication. 10.1037/dhe0000370

Fong, C. J., Alejandro, A. J., Krou, M., Segovia, J., & Johnston-Ashton, K. (2019). Ya’at’eeh: Race-reimaged belongingness factors, academic outcomes, and goal pursuits among Indigenous community college students. Contemporary Educational Psychology.

Catherine Hartman

Catherine Hartman, Ph.D. | National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, University of South Carolina
Assistant Teaching Professor of Community College Leadership

Email | Bio

Hartman, C., Callahan, R., & Yu, H. (2021). Optimizing intent to transfer: Engagement and community college English learners. Research in Higher Education, 62(6), 789–828.

Deryl Hatch-Tocaimaza

Deryl Hatch-Tocaimaza, Ph.D. | University of Nebraska – Lincoln 
Associate Professor

Email | Bio

Hatch, D. K., & Bohlig, E. M. (2016). An empirical typology of the latent programmatic structure of community college student success programs. Research in Higher Education, 57(1), 72-98. doi:10.1007/s11162-015-9379-6.

Hatch, D.K., & Bohlig, E. M. (2015). The Scope and Design of Structured Group Learning Experiences at Community Colleges. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. (Online publication available at

Audrey J. Jaeger

Audrey J. "A.J." Jaeger, Ph.D. | North Carolina State University
W. Dallas Herring Distinguished Professor & Executive Director, Belk Center for Community College Leadership & Research

Email | Webpage | Bio

JoHyun Kim

JoHyun Kim, Ph.D. | Texas A&M University
Associate Professor, Higher Education Administration

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Young K. Kim

Young K. Kim , Ph.D. | Azusa Pacific University

Email | Webpage | Bio

Frankie Santos Laanan

Frankie Santos Laanan, Ph.D. | The University of Utah
Professor and Associate Dean for Faculty and Student Affairs

Email | Webpage | Bio

Hirst, S., Laanan, F. S., & Bohlig, M. Latino/a/x community college student engagement: A quantitative study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges. Virtual Conference. April 16, 2021.

Laanan, F. S., Bohlig, E. M., & Gorman, B. Moving beyond community college survey of student engagement benchmarks: Reconceptualizing first-generation community college students’ goal to transfer. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association. Toronto, Canada. April 8, 2019.

Jungmin Lee

Jungmin Lee | University of Kentucky
Assistant Professor

Email | Website | Bio

Carol Lundberg

Carol Lundberg, Ph.D. | California State University, Fullerton

Email | Bio

Lancaster, J. R., & Lundberg, C. A. (2019). The influence of classroom engagement on community college student learning: A quantitative analysis of effective faculty practices. Community College Review, 47(2), 136-158.

Lundberg, C.A., Kim, Y.K., Andrade, L. & Bahner, D.T. (2018). High expectations, strong support: Faculty behaviors predicting Latina/o community college student learning. Journal of College Student Development, 59(1), 55-70.

Marva Mack

Marva Mack | Rutgers – School of Public Affairs and Administration
Graduate Student

Email | Bio

Therese McCarty

Therese McCarty, Ph.D. | Union College
John Prior Lewis ’41 Professor of Economics

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Jon McNaughtan

Jon McNaughtan, Ph.D. | Texas Tech University
Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Counseling (EPLC)
Associate Department Chair- EPLC

Email | Bio

Hotchkins, B., McNaughtan, J., & Garcia, H. (2021). Black community collegians sense of belonging as connected to enrollment satisfaction. Journal of Negro Education, 90(1), 55-70. 

Jon McNaughtan, Hugo Garcia, Sarah Schiffecker, Santiago Castiello-Gutierrez & Xinyang Li (2023) “Architects of Change or Its Victim”: University Presidents’ Perspectives on the Role of Competing Values During the COVID-19 Crisis, The Journal of Higher Education, 10.1080/00221546.2023.2171206

Phillip Morris

Phillip Morris. Ph.D. | University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Assistant Professor

Email | Webpage | Bio

Morris, P. A., Deickman, J., McIntyre, K., Roberts, V., & Bohlig, E. M. (2023) Engagement and withdrawal for community college student veterans. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 10.1080/10668926.2023.2189180

Morris, P., Deickman, J., McIntyre, K., & Roberts, V. (2022). Campus Engagement for Student Veterans at Community Colleges. 2022 Council for the Study of Community Colleges Annual Conference, Tempe, Arizona.

Morris, P. A., Deickman, J., McIntyre, K., Roberts, V., & Bohlig, E. M. (2022). Engagement and Withdrawal for Community College Student Veterans. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Sindia M. Rivera-Jiménez

Sindia M. Rivera-Jiménez, Ph.D. (she, her, ella) | University of Florida
Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Education, Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
Affiliate Faculty, Chemical Engineering Department
Affiliate Faculty, Institute of Higher Education

Email | Webpage | Bio

Sarah Rodriguez

Sarah Rodriguez, Ph.D. | Virginia Tech
Associate Professor

Email | Bio

Blaney, J. M., Rodriguez, S. L., & Stevens, A. R. (2023). Transfer-intending women in computing: An exploratory analysis of trends, characteristics, and experiences shaping women’s computing participation. Community College Review. Advance online publication.

Victor Saenz

Victor B. Sáenz, Ph.D. | University of Texas at Austin
Associate Dean for Student Success, Community Engagement, and Administration, College of Education

Email | Webpage | Bio

Sáenz, V.B., Hatch, D., Bukoski, B., Kim, S., Lee, K., & Valdez, P. (2011). Community college student engagement patterns: A typology revealed through exploratory cluster analysis. Community College Review, 39, 3: 235 – 267.

Sáenz, V.B., Hatch, D., Bukoski, B., Kim, S., Lee, K., & Valdez, P. (2010). The heterogeneity of community college students and their use of student services: An exploratory cluster analysis. Paper presented at the 2010 annual conference of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Indianapolis, IN, November 18th, 2010.

Sáenz, V.B., Lee, K., Kim, S., Valdez, P., Hatch, D., & Bukoski, B. (2010). Understanding Latino male community college student engagement and success: A hierarchical linear model approach. Paper presented at the 2010 annual conference of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Indianapolis, IN, November 18th, 2010.

Cristobal Salinas

Cristóbal Salinas Jr., Ph.D. | Florida Atlantic University
Professor of Educational Leadership and Research

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Lauren Schudde

Lauren Schudde, Ph.D. | University of Texas at Austin
Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy

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Andrew Stephan

Andrew Stephan | Stark State College
Dean of Arts and Sciences

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Stephan, A. (2022). Using CCSSE to Determine Significant Factors Impacting Current Armed Forces’ and Veterans’ GPA in Community Colleges. (Submitted for Initial Review).

Aurely Garcia Tulloch

Aurely Garcia Tulloch | Community College Research Center (CCRC)
Senior Research Assistant

Email | Bio

Yi Wang

Yi Wang | The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Graduate Student: Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, Dept. of Educational Leadership

Email | Bio

Dika, S. L., Wang, Y., D’Amico, M. M., and Bohlig, E. M. (2023). The role of identities and engagement in the intent to transfer among North Carolina community college students. North Carolina Community College Journal of Teaching Innovation, 2(1), 37–49.

Dika, S. L., Wang, Y., D’Amico, M. M., Serrata, C., & Bohlig, E. M. (2023). A critical examination of perceptions of supportive institutional environment among transfer-seeking community college students. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 10.1080/10668926.2023.2215202

Seung Won Yoon

Seung Won Yoon, Ph.D. | Texas A&M University – Commerce

Email | Bio

John Zilvinskis

John Zilvinskis, Ph.D. | Binghamton University
Associate Professor

Email | Bio

Zilvinskis, J., (2022). The Mediating Effects of Student Services on Engagement Among First-Generation and Transfer Students Who Use Disability Services at Community Colleges. Community College Review 50, 71–95. doi:10.1177/00915521211047675

Zilvinskis, J. (2021). The mediating effects of student services on engagement among first-generation and transfer students who use disability services at community colleges. Community College Review. Advance online publication.

Broido, E. Brown, K., Wells, R., & Zilvinskis, J. (2019, November). Conceptualizing disability. Presented at the 44th Annual Association for the Study of Higher Education Conference, Portland, OR.

Zilvinskis, J. (2020, March). Using CCSSE data to understand students who use disabilities services. Presented at the American College Personnel Association Annual Convention, Nashville, TN. Sponsored session: Coalition for (Dis)Ability.

Boettcher, M., Ardoin, S., Foste, Z., Savarese, K., & Zilvinskis, J. (2020, March). ACPA Foundation Grant Funded Research. Presented at the American College Personnel Association Annual Convention, Nashville, TN.

Zilvinskis, J. (2020). Using large survey data to understand the engagement of students with disabilities. The Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 33(3), 255-261.